Experienced -- Certified -- Insured

After nearly a decade of training clients at all fitness levels, the experience, motivation and knowledge of your Defined Personal Fitness trainer will be the difference for you to finally reach your goals.

I know you want to be in better shape, to look and feel younger, but work plus stress and bad habits are stopping you.  Defined Personal Fitness is your secret weapon!  We're going to discuss your goals, your desires, your schedule, and even your injuries and past pitfalls and then craft an individual plan to moving from bad habits to lasting good ones.  By focusing on these long-term lifestyle changes, Defined Personal Fitness delivers results that LAST!

We're going to give your mind and body what they crave; health, youth and energy!

I've seen time and time again when my clients are given the tools they need; great workouts, proper nutrition, access to top flight equipment and the proper motivation, the smiles come back, the pounds melt away, flexibility and energy return and a positive happy mood is once again the norm. 

Bottom line, Defined Personal Fitness is just that, personal.  Until we find YOUR motivation, we will motivate you to solve each challenge, every step of the way.


Russ Suchala

Owner-  Defined Personal Fitness

ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer

Home Page


Personal Training


Single Session -- $150

Monthly Plans as low as $115/session

Small Group


Group of 4 -- $225

Group of 3 -- $200

Group of 2 -- $175



In-Home Training rates vary due to travel times and availability.


Charna. N

Charna N.

"I started working out with Russ in the Spring of 2005.  I considered myself in fairly good shape for a 51 year old woman, so I was a bit doubtful that I could change my body in any significant way.  In the beginning, I approached weight training as a way to mainly 'slow down' the inevitable aging process. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd go from a snug size 8 to a comfortable size 4!  Also, never before could I imagine looking for an excuse to show off my arms in a sleeveless anything!  Now I can!  I feel stronger and stand taller than I ever have in my 52 years.  Thanks, Russ, for making a believer out of me!"

Ali. L

Ali L.

Russ is a FANTASTIC trainer!  His expertise,
motivational skills, and positive, fun-loving attitude have kept me consistent with my workouts.  I've had great physical results, but I think the real upshot is, for the first time in my life, I actually look forward to going to the gym!

Paul. G

Paul G.

I'm 37 and over the years I had gained way too much weight for my frame.  As I was trying to make my 'comeback' on my own I hurt myself as my body didn't respond to what I thought I should be doing like it did in my 20's.  By the time I got to Russ I was physically not doing too well, such as a hurt lower back and coming off a dislocated shoulder, but also, mentally I was discouraged.  Russ sat me down and we had a frank discussion about everything; my diet, habits, injuries and where I wanted to be.  We then started slowly with a focus on building core strength and not exacerbating my injuries.  Russ, along with being the best trainer I've ever worked with, is truly knowledgeable, motivating and best of all, consistent. 

From seeing him 2 days a week to 5 days a week he's always positive and has limitless ideas of how to keep my workout fresh.  Even though I was an athlete, I don't think I ever 'really' trained properly before I met Russ.  I highly recommend him.

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